Modern Odyssey | Volunteering Team
Week 5 – Liveloula: A Green Immersion

An explosion of nature and green: after the days in Athens, Liveloula was exactly the place that our volunteers needed to reconnect with themselves and each other. Thanks to the incredible knowledge of the founders, Chenny and Steven, and of the other residents and volunteers of the community, this week filled our participants with deep gratitude and energy, and left them ready for the last destination of their project.

 In Liveloula, our Modern Odyssey volunteers engaged in multiple and varied tasks, all aimed at helping the sustainability of the eco-community. Firstly, they cleared a piece of land full of bushes and woods into a green heaven ready to welcome new garden beds. Afterwards, they dug some swells to collect water from the rain and make sure it’s not wasted, covering the soil with different organic materials, ready for the new plants. In addition, the volunteers also helped with building a dry wall, without cement, and with rocks only, creating a human chain and strengthening the sense of collaboration between each other. These rocks will also be used for the next Liveloula project, consisting of a pond to attract biodiversity and be used as a watering system.

Apart from the hands-on work, the team had the incredible chance of engaging with the rest of the Liveloula community and its neighbors through multiple activities. These included workshops on permaculture, herbal medicine, contact dance and embodiment, and a Friday night panigiri in one of the nearby villages. During the weekend, having some free time allowed the participants to relax, go on hikes, and swim in the waterfalls, helping them recharge before their last destination.

Saying goodbye to Liveloula was extremely hard, but our Modern Odyssey must go on! Curious to know more about the project and find out the next destination? Keep following us and engage with our posts!

Modern Odyssey is a European Solidarity Corps programme supported by the Education & Culture Executive Agency, and co-funded by the European Union.

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