The Wheel of Impact
Strategic partnership on empowering informal groups and young NGOs (Erasmus+ KA2)
The project aimed to work on the need of improving the quality in project management standards for the third sector across Europe developing an evaluation and support process for the impact of projects organizations, especially smaller ones.
Following the example of Wheel of Life, we offer the Wheel of Impact as a practical tool for organizations to improve their awareness and knowledge on project management. Through this tool, we also provide them with a tool to measure their impact, and strategies on how to improve as a organization.
The tool is named “The Wheel of impact”, which provides analysis, evaluation, awareness creation, combined with a process of growth and development of skills.
Project Streams
Here you can find the key Intellectual Outputs of the Wheel of Impact Poject
The Wheel of Impact Tool Development
A self-assessment digital tool for youth workers, managements and NGOs that identifies their strengths, weaknesses and supports strategic planning.
Pilot Training Course
A 7-day training course where participating youth workers and other social impact driven individuals test the prototype tool with the support of the developers.
Multi-level Research
An extensive research implemented in Bulgaria, Greece and Italy, drawing qualitative and quantitative data about the needs of the Third Sector, directly from the source.
Activity Timeline
Monitoring Process
Desk Research
Tool Development & Self Assessment Process
Questionnaires and Focus Groups
Online & Locally for each Partner
Drafting a Framework
Consultation Meeting with Experts
Training Course
Lecce, Italy
Launch of the Wheel's final version
Tool Implementation with local NGOs
Bulgaria, Greece, Italy
project partners
The organisations and people behind the project who we join forces with and grow together.
New Wellness Education
Active Bulgarian Society
Roes Cooperativa
The Wheel of Impact project is approved by the Italian National Agency under the project number: 2021-1-IT03-KA210-YOU-000033909 and it is co-financed by the programme of the European Commision
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