
Strategic partnership on empowering informal groups and young NGOs (Erasmus+ KA2)

We know how hard it is to build an idea starting from zero:
How do we set up a brand? How do we organize ourselves? How do we set and achieve our goals?

When we first started we got that help. Now, it’s time to give it back. 

This is why we are part of the NGO.Sustainable programme: Through this project, we will offer the tools to small groups and new initiatives, so they make their own pathways to success.

And, ultimately, make the change they’d wish to see in the world a reality.

Project Streams


9 Month Mentoring

of 12 young local NGOs and initiatives on systemic development and
target-audience reach.

Here is what we created through the NGO.Sustainable Project:

5-Day Online Challenge

between 250 members of organizations on Sustainable Development

E+ Ideathon | Bansko Edition

6-day program for Youth NGO leaders & Project managers to submit their KA2 Small-scale project idea during a live ideathon in Bulgaria, even if they don’t have prior experience, knowledge of Erasmus+ or partners from before.

Resources Online Library

Enriching and adding on the vast pool of Sustainable Development Resources of Erasmus+ Youth Academy

Community Building

for members of young organizations from all areas of Europe in the sustainable online community of Erasmus+ Youth Academy, providing support and peer-to-peer learning on the topic of Sustainable Development of organizations.

Activity  Timeline 

January 2022
January 2022

Kick Off Meeting


February 2022
February 2022

Start of Personalized Mentoring of Young NGOs and Informal Groups on a local level


April 27th - May 2nd 2022
April 27th - May 2nd 2022

NGO.Sustainable Training Course

Athens, Greece

June 15th - July 12th 2022
June 15th - July 12th 2022

NGO.Sustainable Month on Erasmus+ Youth Academy

Erasmus+ Youth Academy

October 2022
October 2022

Personalized Mentoring of local Young NGOs and Informal Groups finishes


November 16th 2022
November 16th 2022

Coordination Meeting

Katowice, Poland

March 2023
March 2023

Challenge for members of Organizations


April 2023
April 2023

5-Module Course on Sustainable Development of Organizations are online!


April 2023
April 2023

Evaluation Meeting

Sofia, Bulgaria

NGO.Sustainable | Our video course on how to raise your capacity as an organization is out!

Our video course on how to raise your capacity as an organization is out! We just released the NGO.Sustainable 4-module program, delivering years of experience and knowledge in running an NGO directly on your screen. Watch and learn how we do it in Roes, Synergy...

NGO.Developent Week | Online Opportunity

Grow your organization in 5 days, starting today April 3 - 7, 2023 Erasmus+ Youth Academy If you are a fan of fast and exciting learning, check this out: the NGO Development Week be a quick-paced but high-impact learning experience where you will learn how to build...

The NGO.Sustainable Mentees | Growth Hub

THE NGO.SUSTAINABLE MENTEES | GROWTH HUB We finished mentoring local Greek organizations for 9 months! We just wrapped up the personalized mentoring circles of local Greek NGOs and informal groups, which lasted for 9 amazing, impactful months.   Through this...

The NGO.Sustainable Mentees | Mentoria

THE NGO.SUSTAINABLE MENTEES | MENTORIA We finished mentoring local Greek organizations for 9 months! We just wrapped up the personalized mentoring circles of local Greek NGOs and informal groups, which lasted for 9 amazing, impactful months. Through this project, we...

The NGO.Sustainable Mentees

THE NGO.SUSTAINABLE MENTEES We finished mentoring local Greek organizations for 9 months! We just wrapped up the personalized mentoring circles of local Greek NGOs and informal groups, which lasted for 9 amazing, impactful months. Through this project, we were able to...

Offline Coordination Meeting | NGO.Sustainable

OFFLINE COORDINATION MEETING | NGO.SUSTAINABLE We met in Katowice, Poland! Recently, we met in Poland with our partners for NGO.Sustainable, a project aiming to empower young organizations in 4 areas of sustainable development: Strategic Planning, Project Management,...

Online Learning Opportunity

ONLINE LEARNING OPPORTUNITY Unlock your organization’s true potential and reach the skies! June 15 - July 12, 2022 Erasmus+ Youth Academy Do you want to boost your organizations outreach and impact? Would you like to learn more about the different funding...

Day 6 – Closing the Circle

DAY 6 - CLOSING THE CRICLE  Today was the last day of our project. A day to close open cases, to keep contacts and make agreements for the future, but also to reflect on our experience together these last 6 days. We closed our own circles in the program: our working...

Day 5 – First Harvest

DAY 5 - FIRST HARVEST Sometimes changing our workplace is the best thing for some new stimulation. So today we took all our ideas to a real co-working space, at the headquarters of Roes, which is located at the Community Center of Connect your City. This way, we had...

Day 4 – Building the Dream

DAY 4 - BUILDING THE DREAM  "A picture speaks a thousand words"… We started our day with this idea, and we focused on the visual identity of our organizations: How do our vision and our values ​​translate into colors, shapes and designs? How can we properly set up our...

Day 3 – Mapping it Out

DAY 3 - MAPPING IT OUT  Today was a day dedicated to the community! And, as we are also a community in NGO.Sustainable, there is no better setting to work on this topic. Our communities are not only the groups we support through our organizations, but also our team,...

Day 2 – Let’s Picture It

DAY 2 - LET'S PICTURE IT Our second day was focused on the core of our organizations, of our ideas that are being developed within this journey. How do we envision the change they will bring? What is their mission, so they can bring this change to the world? Every...

Day 1 – Laying the Groundwork

DAY 1 - LAYING THE GROUNDWORK  For a seedling to grow, it needs proper conditions. And, before anything else, it needs a proper ground to be planted in. Today is the first day of NGO.Sustainable Training Course, who aims at providing everything an idea needs to grow....

NGO.Sustainable | Training Course

NGO.Sustainable | Training Course  Capacity Building Training for Young NGOs Athens, Greece 26 April - 3 May 2022 (with travel days) Are you running a young NGO or informal group younger than 2 years old? Are you inexperienced in Erasmus+ and interested in boosting...

Ready for Action

READY FOR ACTION! We’re opening our doors! Duration: 18 Months We know how hard it is to build an idea starting from zero: How do we set up a brand? How do we organize ourselves? How do we set and achieve our goals? When we first started we got that help. Now, it’s...

project partners

The organisations and people behind the project who we join forces with and grow together.

Synergy Bulgaria

Synergy Bulgaria


Life Zone

Life Zone


Fundacja Europejski Instytut Outsroucingu

Fundacja Europejski Instytut Outsroucingu


Roes Cooperativa

Roes Cooperativa


The NGO.Sustainable project is approved by the Bulgarian National Agency under the project number: 2021-1-BG01-KA210-YOU-000033934 and it is co-financed by the programme of the European Commision.

This page and each element connected to this page reflect only the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.