Life in 3 ACTS


Art is to provoke, to make people ACT & REACT (Youth Exchange). 

“Life in 3 ACTS” was a project created for young people that want to make a difference to this world through art, go in the streets and perform in order to address inclusion. We created a community of 40 young people from 8 different countries in order to address social inclusion through performing arts in Athens city center.

Life in 3 ACTS focused on the following activities: a multicultural environment where we had space for self-expression, acceptance, and the feeling of belonging; various artistic sessions indoors and outdoors. We communicated inclusion by using performing arts and culture forms; an open space where we put our ideas and concerns into action through artistic forms; and we got moved in order to be the protagonists in our own lives and create non-violent communities. 

Project Streams


Here is what we created during the Life in 3 ACTS project

Promotion Video

of the performance about social inclusion in Syntagma Square

Photo Album

documenting all the memories of the project


named ”Portraits of Inclusion”, created by the participants through a creative process during the Youth Exchange

Social Media Diaries

a day-by-day documentation of the youth exchange in digital format

Group Follow up ACTS Handbook

A handbook including all the follow up activities of the project for future ACTivists

Activity  Timeline 

February 2021
February 2021

The project gets approved!


April 2021
April 2021

Call for partners


August 2021
August 2021

Call for Participants


October 2021
October 2021

Life in 3 ACTs Youth Exchange

Athens, Greece

November 2021
November 2021

Follow-Up ACTS

Spain, Cyprus, Italy, Portugal, Serbia, Latvia, Greece, Czech Republic

January 2021
January 2021

End of Project


Zine: Portraits of Inclusion

ZINE: PORTRAITS OF INCLUSION Life in 3 ACTS project created a community of 40 young people from 8 different countries in order to address social inclusion through performing arts in Athens city center [October 2021]. During the project, we collectively created a ZINE...

Day 12: A New World

DAY 12: A NEW WORLD This is the last day of our project. It’s a day of completion, a day of appreciation, a day to put together the last pieces of our new mosaic. We had our last community circle, we said “see you later” to our support groups, we took care of the...

Day 11: Celebration

DAY 11: CELEBRATION We started the day with expressing our emotions about the creative process through movement. Then we shared verbally in the community circle our feelings about the performance and the preparation day in the previous day. After the circle we played...

Day 10: Performance for Inclusion

DAY 10: PERFORMANCE FOR INCLUSION Today is the day. At 11 AM we performed in Syntagma square in Athens. The performance was about the power of inclusion and we showed to the public all together what inclusion means to us. To perform we what we’ve learned these days in...

Day 9: Preparation

DAY 9: PREPARATION The 3rd act of the project was about action. But what was this action exaclty we learnt this morning. We had one day to put together all the things we experienced the last days and co-create a performance to manifest our ideas and perceptions of...

Day 8: Beginning of the Third Act: Act

DAY 8: BEGINNING OF THE THIRD ACT: ACT We started the day freshly with human football game to warm up, then we went through our morning routine of sharing, practicals and announcements. Then we started the third act. Αfter an activity to explore our movement...

Day 7: Inspiration

DAY 7: INSPIRATION The feeling of inspiration is a great fuel that makes us work on our projects and evolve as artists. But it’s not always easy to be inspired and we may feel a lack of motivation and apathy. When this happens it is important to be aware of our...

Day 6: Self-Care

DAY 6: SELF-CARE The morning part started as usual - we shared what we have learned so far and discussed our plans for the day in the community circle. Self-care day was dedicated to resting, relaxation, and exploration of the nearby places. Many of us spent the day...

Day 5: Jamming

DAY 5: JAMMING In the morning we were playing the Dixit game and were picking cards according to how we felt at the moment. At the first part of the day we did a music workshop where we warmed up our voices. Then we experimented with how we can use our voices and...

Day 4: Community Life

DAY 4: COMMUNITY LIFE We started the day reflecting about what is a community for us and what would be our ideal community. Then to get a better sense of how we affect each other in our community, we painted our bodies with colors as a sign of unity. In the afternoon...

project partners

The organisations and people behind the project who we join forces with and grow together.




Asociación Dinámica

Asociación Dinámica


Fabrika KollektiV

Fabrika KollektiV


Youth Organization re:view

Youth Organization re:view

Latvia E8G E8G


Vega Youth Center

Vega Youth Center




Czech Republic

Roes Cooperativa

Roes Cooperativa


The Lifein3ACTS project is approved by the  Greek National Agency under the project number: 2020-3-EL02-KA105-006568 and it is co-financed by the programme of the European Commision

This page and each element connected to this page reflect only the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.