Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices in school education (Erasmus+ KA2)
D-MANeD is a 3 years project. It’s aim is to support educators, teachers, and youth workers who are working with minorities, youngsters with fewer opportunities or rural youth, providing them with a holistic toolkit that makes the learning process more inclusive, interactive and empathetic. The basic tools which we develop to achieve it are related to dance, music, arts, NLP and e-learing.
Project Streams
Here you can find the key Intellectual Outputs of the d-MANeD Poject
Interactive E-Book
A collection of good practices at EU level, and a collection of the Format Training Course content and structure, with tools regarding: psycho-emotional balance, midfulness, focus, movement, aand arts, as engaging educational tools and methods for inclusivity, coaching, and e-learning.
A website all about D-MANeD, fully updated and giving info about the project’s consortium, the progress of the results of the programme and all of our latest news.
Format Training Courses
4 different FTC on NLP & Mindfulness, Visual Arts & Theatre, Dance, Movement, Music & Rhetorics, and E-Learning & Digital Toolbox
Tutorials for all the Training Courses
During the R2 (Training Courses), the activities of the programme are recorded, so they can be transformed in online tutorials which will be available for free in D-MANeD platform.
E - Learning Platform
Users will be able to find all the intellectual outputs of the project, including video tutorials and the handbook. There will also be an online community of practice for communication, exchange of good practices and ideas for new collaborations in the field of education.
Activity Timeline
Kick Off Meeting
2nd Transnational Project Meeting
Format Training Course on E-Learning
Format Training Course on NLP & Mindfulness
Format Training Course on Visual Arts & Theatre
Nicosia, Cyprus
3rd Transnational Project Meeting
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Format Training Course on Movement, Dance, Musice & Rhetorics
Athens, Greece
4th Transnational Project Meeting
Nicosia, Cyprus
project partners
The organisations and people behind the project who we join forces with and grow together.
SkillsUp Training & Research Services
The Netherlands
Copiii in Sanul Familiei
Center of Social Innovation
The Grammar School
Liceul Tehnologic "Anghel Saligny" Bacau
Vasiliadis Schools
Friedenauer Gemeinschaftsschule
Roes Cooperativa
The D-MANeD project is approved by the Dutch National Agency under the project number: 2020-1-NL01-KA201-064734 and it is co-financed by the programme of the European Commision
This page and each element connected to this page reflect only the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.