Seniors In Arts
Learning exchange for seniors and their educators (Erasmus+ KA2)
“Seniors in Arts” is a 2-year project, wchich aim is to promote active ageing and to enhance seniors’ sense of belonging in the EU through their engagement with artistic activities. During the course of the project we developed an innovative methodology for adult educators around theater, dance, music & creative writing to foster seniors’ opportunity for engagement in the civic life and the promotion of their European identity.
Our initial goals were: developing a guideline collecting the best practices among training activities based on expressive arts for seniors; providing opportunities for learning activities at local and transnational level for senior learners; and creating a tool – the virtual transnational cultural circle – where seniors can have the opportunity to get in contact with peers all around Europe.
And what has been created in these 2 years? We published guidelines of best practices for adult educators providing useful insight and tools based on expressive arts for senior learners, we gathered 15 adult educators to the Transnational Training in Cascais, Portugal, related to “expressive arts for seniors’ education”; and developed a virtual community for seniors from all around Europe to connect, exchange and develop, among many others.
Project Streams
Here’s what we created through the Seniors In Arts project:
Programme Implementation Guidelines
The Guidelines include proposed activities for adult educators and care takers, especially designed for senior learners. There are 4 categories of activities related to arts: theatre, music, dance and creative writing.
Virtual Community
A virtual community was developed for seniors from all around Europe to connect, exchange and develop.
Activity Timeline
1st Transnational Project Meeting
Bitonto, Italy
Joint Staff Meeting
Cascais, Portugal
Local Workshops
Athens, Greece
2nd Transnational Project Meeting
Wroclaw, Poland
Virtual Cultural Circle
Online – Facebook Community
Blended Mobility for Senior Learners
Athens, Greece
3rd Transnational Project Meeting
Buharkent, Turkey
project partners
The organisations and people behind the project who we join forces with and grow together.
Sinergia Societa Cooperativa Sociale
Vida + Viva Associaco Animam Viventem
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
Buharkent Halk Egitimi Merkezi
Roes Cooperativa
The Seniors In Arts project is approved by the Italian National Agency under the project number: 2020-1-IT02-KA227-ADU-095131 and it is co-financed by the programme of the European Commision
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