Our video course on how to raise your capacity as an organization is out!
We just released the NGO.Sustainable 4-module program, delivering years of experience and knowledge in running an NGO directly on your screen. Watch and learn how we do it in Roes, Synergy Bulgaria, Life Zone and FEIO, through expert guidance in four key areas:
Strategic organizational development
Targeted branding and communication strategies
Effective digital youth work
International project management
This is a self-paced online training program, aiming to assist young and less experienced organizations in raising the capacity through techniques and methods that we use in our own organizations to increate our capacity.
Piqued your interest? Here’s where you can watch them for free:
The project is co-funded by the European Union via the Erasmus+ programme, and it’s a collaboration of:
Synergy Bulgaria | Life Zone Group | Roes Cooperativa | Fundacja Europejski Instytut Outsourcingu
『 Our 9-month mentoring program for local Greek NGOs and informal groups might have already come to an end but our work in raising the capacity of our fellow organizations is far from over. We are thrilled to continue mentoring you through a video course that can deliver value to your organization even after the project’s lifetime is over, and we promise you: we are already planning how we can further develop this support network in the future. 』
#WeAreRoes #RoesCoop #WhatsYourStream #SocialEntreprise #NonFormalEducation #erasmusplusproject #erasmusplus #erasmusplusgreece #ErasmusWithRoes #KA2withRoes #NGOsustainable