Day 4 – Leap of Faith
With the beat of the music, we asked ourselves, “What do I want to get out of this experience?”
As we were slowly moving guided by the music, the answers came to us one word at a time, forming the foundation for our journey ahead.
The next big question was about success. What is it? How do we define it? We analysed success stories, shared our own perspectives and couldn’t help but noticed a pattern of #Resilience shining trough all these stories.
Motivated and inspired, we started the preparation for our long-awaited quest. After receiving all the needed instructions and instruments, we were finally ready. We formed our dream teams, shaped our vision, set our goal, and finally, chose our own challenges.
Right after dinner four teams quickly packed their bags and waived goodbye with huge smiles, jumping into the unknown. The other two teams chose to start at dawn.
And with that, the outdoor quest began!
This youth mobility is happening in the context of the Erasmus+ KA2 project ‘E-mployed’ and it is co-funded by the European Union via the Erasmus+ programme.
Nothing would be possible without the great help of our partners:
Innovation Education Lab | SkillsUp | Ofensiva Tinerilor | Inclusion Go
#WeAreRoes #RoesCoop #WhatsYourStream #SocialEntreprise #NonFormalEducation #ErasmusPlus #ErasmusKA2 #PersonalGrowth #ProfessionalDevelopment #erasmusplusproject #erasmusplus #erasmusplusgreece #erasmusland #ErasmusWithRoes #KA2withRoes #opportunityforall #youthexchange #projectdiary #E_mployed #NeverSayNoToPanda