Mobile Culture – New Technologies in the Cultural Sector

Creativity becomes, once again – due to covid restraints, the key to adapt to change adequately, allowing the cultural industry to reinvent itself. The Mobile Culture project aims to join this dynamic of change, underlining the importance of culture and art in times of pandemic for getting a committed society.
The project is based on the premise new technologies enable people to express themselves and boost their creativity while improving their digital skills. The project craves for making digital tools accessible to everybody, emphasising the “learning by doing” approach: make short videos, remix iconic photos, reuse digitised art collections, re-create historical monuments or record podcasts in the local language to transmit oral narrations.
The Mobile Culture is aimed at educators and professionals working in non-formal education programmes addressed to adults in cultural institutions (GLAM) and NGOs. We would like to encourage, inspire and give new competencies especially those who work with seniors, the unemployed, people with disabilities (e.g. blind and partially sighted), migrants, refugees, or low-skilled people, in regions and communities at risk of digital exclusion.
The objective is to provide cultural trainers with practical knowledge on how to use technological tools to develop artistic performances. To achieve this goal, the partnership will develop four products or outputs: A Guide on Best Practices; a Training Platform, a Digital Publication, and an Online Course.
What the participants can expect (Intellectual Outputs)
Educators and animators will gain access to digital assets to support their audiences through multiple free tools and activities:
- Digital guide with best practices, which will present transferable examples of online cultural activities and useful digital tools from 4 partner countries, based on our research (available in December 2021),
- Online training platform with extensive digital resources: the training will be focused on the creation of online and offline workshops and webinars, employing innovative methodology for educational purposes (such as Design Thinking and User-Centered Design methodologies) – available in January 2022)
- Online course on new media, technologies and digital tools for non-formal cultural and artistic education (Autumn 2022),
- Digital publication with articles, recommendations and inspirational examples of online cultural workshop scenarios (Autumn 2022),
- Four Mobile Culture Events in 4 partner countries, where they will be able to experience (Autumn 2022)
Participation in the project will be a great opportunity to:
- gain access to international community of cultural animators and educators,
- be enhanced to share best practices
- be equipped with ready-to-use, inspiring and practical digital assets to support their audiences.
- be presented with accessible digital tools and methods, ideas and inspirations,
- be provided with ready to use online cultural workshop scenarios and easily-applicable best practices
- gain an international perspective on what’s innovative and new in the field of cultural online education for adults.
We strongly believe that participating in online cultural activities such as creative workshops, VR tours, webinars, digital storytelling jams etc. can not only boost creativity among the participants and spread cultural heritage, but also improve their digital skills and prevent digital exclusion.

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