MIGIS: Migrant Girls in Sports – Never Behind Again! | Training for Youth Workers
Learn how to support the growth of migrant girls
📍 Sofia, Bulgaria
📆 3-6 November (including travel dates)

👉 Are you working with youth, specifically with migrant girls or through sports? Are you curious how you can support their growth through playful activities that nurture the body and mind?

🥏 This Training is for everyone working with youth that is looking for how to support one of society’s most vulnerable groups; young migrant girls, especially in the field of sports. We will turn the playground into a space where everyone is heard, included, gets to lead 🤸, and ultimately blossoms into who they want to be.

During the project, you will have the opportunity to:
✅ Learn about discrimination migrant children face everyday, especially migrant girls in sports
✅ Obtain tools to support them as a youth worker back home
✅ Practice them in a supporting learning environment
✅ Transmit them to your local communities

Are you ready to play? ⚽

More Information and Application Form:
▶ https://roes.coop/mobility/migis/

🇪🇺 The project is supported by the European Union under the Erasmus+ program, 💸 covering the costs of participation, accommodation, transportation, and food for this activity – and enabling us to collaborate with partners across Europe making a positive difference in the lives of migrant girls through sports: Europamente ETS 🇮🇹 | Асоциация за развитие на българския спорт /АРБС/ 🇧🇬

『 We are extremely proud to be part of this project – which is working towards inclusion not in theory, but directly on the playground! Are you ready to join us in this fun and impactful mission? Bring it on! 💪✨

#WeAreRoes #RoesCoop #MigrantGirlsInSport #MiGiS #WhatsYourStream #TrainingCourse #Erasmusplus #InclusionThroughSports #YouthEmpowerment #SocialCohesion #Integration #SportsForAll #DiversityAndInclusion #NeverBehindAgain