Our project is coming to an end!
Before closing, we would like to take this opportunity to share with you bits and pieces from our 24-month journey, aimed at empowering young people and youth workers through personal and professional development.
So far, we:
Held two Training Courses in Greece and Romania, aimed at developing soft skills and entrepreneurship among youth workers, equipping them with the necessary knowledge and methodologies necessary to tackle youth unemployment through their work.
Created a Handbook for youth workers, teachers and educators to enhance employability of the young people they work with through interactive and diverse methodologies and Challenges.
Created a series of Challenge Cards, allowing young people to gain self-awareness, reflect and develop grow by acquiring and enhancing soft and hard skills.
Created a virtual Escape Room to allow young adults and workers strengthen their team-work, communication and collaboration skills in their professional lives through a fresh and innovative approach.
Launched our “Play for Skill” platform, hosting over 60 challenges, and media, maximising the projects reach.
Held a series of events locally in Greece, Italy and Romania to bring the project results to a wider audience.
So, what’s in store for us?
We are currently working on producing a Greek, Italian and Romanian version of the Handbook for youth workers and educators, making it more accessible!
We are also planning an online, social media campaign featuring the results of the project, so stay tuned for more!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our partners who have made this project a reality!
The project is co-funded by the European Union via the Erasmus+ programme, and it’s a collaboration of:
Innovation Education Lab | SkillsUp | Ofensiva Tinerilor | Inclusion Go
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