Where do old people live in Athens? What obstacles do they face in their daily lives?
Our second day was all about exploring Athens. During the day, we discovered the neighbourhoods Kifissia and Patissia and observed elderly people there in the realities of their daily lives. Along the way, we delved also into the history of Athens and how it has shaped the life of its elderly residents.
With using all our senses, we observed elderly people in their daily lives and became aware of the obstacles they face. Through the use of various artistic methods, we embodied their experiences. This enabled us to learn more about our target group, allowing us to better shape our future projects and address the specific needs of elderly people.
These are the chronicles of “The Caravan” Staff Training, and we will be sharing stories and posts with you for the next 4 days.
This project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ program, enabling us to collaborate with like-minded partner organizations in fostering an inclusive and creative environment for seniors: Calypso – il teatro per il sociale | FOCO | Roes Cooperativa
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