We met in Nicosia, Cyprus!
Our final Transnational Project Meeting took place inmid-Mayy in Nicosia, where we were hosted by our partner organization Center for Social Innovation – CSI. It’s been 2 satisfactory days full of work, joy, and gratitude.
During the meeting we:
went through all our intellectual outputs one by one.
planned our dissemination strategy so we can multiply our project’s impact.
reflected on the learnings and the outcomes of the Blended Mobility for School Learners that took place in Romania on February 2023.
In this way three years of collaboration for the enhancement of the engagement and inclusion of students in the school environment came to an end. and we couldn’t be happier with the results!
Wanna take a look on D-MANeD platform and familiarise yourself with everything we’ve been doing these past years? Then register for free here: https://skillsup.getlearnworlds.com/course/d-maned
The project is co-funded by the European Union via the Erasmus+ programme, allowing us to join forces with our partner organisations create an inclusive and creative school environment:
Center for Social Innovation – CSI | The Grammar School, Nicosia | Skills Up Training and Research Centre | Copiii în Sânul Familiei | Liceul Tehnologic “Anghel Saligny”, Bacău | Εκπαιδευτήρια Βασιλειάδη | Roes Cooperativa
#WeAreRoes #RoesCoop #WhatsYourStream #SocialEntreprise #NonFormalEducation #DMANeD #exchangeofgoodpractices #ErasmusPlus #ErasmusKA2 #lifelonglearning #cyprus