The Caravan | Day 4 ~ Reflection and Creation

How can we combine different artistic methods? What are we taking with us back home?  Our last day of this staff training started with a last artistic workshop on Butoh dance. After that, we revisited the week’s program, reflecting on the knowledge we’ve...

The Caravan | Day 3 ~ Artistic Experimentation

What artistic methods can we use for our projects? How can we express ourselves through art?  The third day of our Staff Training was all about exploring different artistic methods. The first workshop was all about theatre and how to address community issues through...

The Caravan | Day 2 ~ Exploring Athens

Where do old people live in Athens? What obstacles do they face in their daily lives?  Our second day was all about exploring Athens. During the day, we discovered the neighbourhoods Kifissia and Patissia and observed elderly people there in the realities of their...

The Caravan | Day 1 ~ Unveiling the Journey

How can art foster inclusion? How can we use artistic techniques to include seniors in society?  This week, we are delighted to host a staff meeting within the strategic partnership (KA2) “The Caravan” project. The aim of this program is to provide staff members with...

The Caravan | First Transnational Partner Meeting

The Caravan | Small-scale partnerships in adult education for inclusion through performing arts  (Erasmus+ KA2)  Our First Transnational Project Meeting took place recently in Extremadura, Spain! “The Caravan” aims at fostering seniors’ (+70 years old) learning and...