What makes you be you? What is the most effective way to show it?
Our second day was focused on going deeper in acquiring and enhancing our visual media and video making skills, still keeping it simple but fun and significant. We experimented, we improvised, and we connected more with each other.
It was a day full of laughter and we also had the opportunity to express and discover who we are while using visual media as a creative tools. We start hands on to put in practice some tips and tricks we learned yesterday about storytelling and how to share and make visible our ideas and values. To be able to tell someone else’s story we need to start from our own story…
These are the chronicles of “New Narratives on Migration” Youth Media Training, and we will be sharing stories and posts with you for the following 7 days.
The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ program, allowing us to join forces with our partner organisations to create an inclusive and creative environment: Champions Factory | Scout Society | Roes Cooperativa | Progeu | Association Hexagonale | Europass Berlin | Asociación SEI (Servicio Socioeducativo Intercultural)
#WeAreRoes #RoesCoop #WhatsYourStream #SocialEntreprise #NonFormalEducation #reCREATE #NewNarratives #exchangeofgoodpractices #ErasmusPlus #ErasmusKA2 #trainingcourse #projectdiary