The highlight of the day was Connections!
Today we start the second part of the project: During the first three days we focused on learning and enhancing our skills in video-making, as well as reflecting and discussing the core topic of the project. Today and for the following two days we are going to accomplish our final assignment: create a participatory video about new narratives on Migration.
Our main focus has been film-making pre-production. We dedicated our time to explore, meet people and collect stories, giving value on multiple perspectives. After that, we spent some time planning what we will film tomorrow. We drew our storyboards and chose which framings to use.
Connection and discovery were our drivers today. Stories matter, many stories matter.
These are the chronicles of “New Narratives on Migration” Youth Media Training, and we will be sharing stories and posts with you for the following 5 days.
The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ program, allowing us to join forces with our partner organisations to create an inclusive and creative environment: Champions Factory | Scout Society | Roes Cooperativa | Progeu | Association Hexagonale | Europass Berlin | Asociación SEI (Servicio Socioeducativo Intercultural)
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