Today was probably one of the most intense days of the training. Editing a video or a short film requires patience, communication and listening. More than the days before we had to strongly trust each other and in our team spirit!
Editing is not just a practical activity in order to put together all the video shoots. Indeed it is a refined and creative process. We had to choose the best framings, cut or add here and there some scenes and most important find the right red thread for our story.
Finally our visions and our stories are coming to life.
These are the chronicles of “New Narratives on Migration” Youth Media Training, and we will be sharing stories and posts with you for the following 3 days.
The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ program, allowing us to join forces with our partner organisations to create an inclusive and creative environment: Champions Factory | Scout Society | Roes Cooperativa | Progeu | Association Hexagonale | Europass Berlin | Asociación SEI (Servicio Socioeducativo Intercultural)
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