🗣️ We met in Katowice, Poland!

Recently, we met in Poland 🇵🇱 with our partners for NGO.Sustainable, a project aiming to empower young organizations in 4 areas of sustainable development: Strategic Planning, Project Management, Branding, Communication, and Digital Youth Work.

So far, we have:
✅ Mentored 20+ organizations from Bulgaria, Estonia, Poland and Greece.
✅ Hosted a Training Course in Athens in April, where we trained 24 members of organizations on sustainable development.
✅ Organized the NGO.Sustainable Month in Erasmus+ Youth Academy, where we got to share more secrets of our organizations.

✅ Participated in E+ Ideathon in Bansko, Bulgaria, where mentees developed and submitted their first KA2 Small Scale partnership projects together! 🚀


In our meeting, we discussed:
🌱 The content of an interactive video lesson course on sustainable development
🌱 How to use challenges as an educational tool for growth
🌱 Our next steps together forward

💡 Peaked your interest? Stay tuned for more updates coming soon!

🇪🇺 The project is co-funded by the European Union via the Erasmus+ programme and supported by the Център за развитие на човешките ресурси (ЦРЧР). It’s a collaboration between Synergy Bulgaria 🇧🇬, Life Zone Group 🇪🇪, Fundacja Europejski Instytut Outsourcingu 🇵🇱 and Roes Cooperativa 🇬🇷


『 Looking back to the past months, we couldn’t be more proud of NGO.Sustainable and what we have achieved together as a consortium. This reflection only propelled us forward into creation,🔥 into inspiration, and made our meeting very productive – even if it was just for a short time. We want to thank Fundacja Europejski Instytut Outsourcingu for hosting the creative space of Starochorzowski Dom Kultury, and all partners for the energy they brought into this meeting. 』