🗣️ We launched our website!
After working for a while ‘behind the scenes’ on this project, now it’s the time to share our work with all of you: E-mployed is now online! 💻
E-mployed is a 24-months project, aiming to provide career guidance and peer education to unemployed young people through innovative digital tools, as well as empower youth workers with the necessary skills to support young people in their careers and the development of their soft skills. 👏
🖥️ On our website, you can find:
◎ All about the project and who we are
◎ Our card-game with challenges for employability skills, educational Escape Room and videos, in a few months from now
◎ Our news and progress so far
◎ How you can join us in mobilities in various parts of Europe 🌍
Sparked your interest?
Follow the link 👉 https://e-mployed.net/
🇪🇺 Thanks to the co-funding of the programme of Erasmus+ of the European Commision, the partner organizations that joined forces 🧩 to combat these issues come from European countries, among the most involved in the field of youth unemployment:
『 In Roes, we love embarking on new and interactive platforms to offer opportunities for personal and professional growth; And the E-mployed website is a gateway to a few that we really like. Employing – no pun intended – exciting digital tools 🔧 like an interactive card game and an educational escape room, makes us really excited as well to dive into the topic of employment skills with a fresh outlook! Make sure to follow along, because you definitely don’t wanna miss what’s coming next. 』