We Kicked It Off!

🗣️ We kicked it off!
📆 Duration: 24 Months
Youth unemployment is constantly on the rise, and many of us find it hard to navigate the world of job offers; How do I make a compelling CV? How do I choose which position works for me? How can I develop my skills, so I can land the job of my dreams?…💭
These are questions we all had at some point, we received help, and now it’s time to give back. Thus, we created E-mployed, a project we are super excited to kick off!💥
This project aims to provide career guidance and peer education to unemployed young people through innovative digital tools, as well as empower youth workers with the necessary skills to support young people in their careers and the development of their soft skills. 👏
What can you do about it? Keep scrolling to find out how you can participate, and how you too can combat youth unemployment 💪.
🎯 What activities can you take part in?
◎ Making video-tutorials on how to find the perfect job for you, develop your soft skills, etc.
◎ Checking out the online tools for career guidance and peer learning
◎ Exploring the Educational Escape Room 👾
◎ Taking up the Learning Challenges and boosting your professional skills
◎ Using the new methodologies in your everyday life and youth work
◎ Joining the online platform where you can support and be supported by other young people
Stay tuned for when they are going to happen and how you can participate!
💡 What skills do you have the opportunity to cultivate?
◎ Develop your soft skills, which are essential in today’s job market
◎ Receive career guidance and learn how to find and secure your dream job!
◎ Build on your digital skills by using engaging online tools
◎ Network and share opportunities with other young people
◎ Learn how you can incorporate new and impactful methodologies into your everyday life and work with young people
Thanks to the co-funding of the programme of Erasmus+ of the European Commision, the partner organizations that will join forces 🧩 to combat these issues come from European countries, among the most involved in the field of youth unemployment:
『 In Roes, we know that unemployment can be a tough place to be; We are very grateful that we got help when needed, and now we cannot wait to give it back. Personal and professional development go hand-in-hand, 2 issues that have always been an important point of focus for us, and it’s amazing that we get to help other young people make their next steps towards their dreams… 👣 Because this is our own dream! 』
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