Kick Off Meeting | E-mployed

Freshly back from our kick-off meeting in Brasov, Romania on 14/03 and 15/03, we want to share our news with you! 

The project aims at providing unemployed young people with career guidance and peer education, and we want to best reach them through creativity.
But how to achieve that ? 

● We will develop learning challenges, for young unemployed people to acquire professional skills through tackling their own challenges
● We will also develop challenges for youth workers to achieve new skills directly on the field and then use these news tools in their professional career
● AND! We are using a new platform to introduce employability tips: Tik Tok!

We will use it to create ongoing, fun, and educational content, for the young people to learn in a fun way. We expect to reach a wider audience through that and get people more interested in learning tools in a creative way.

We are now ready for the next steps and we can’t wait to share with you our ideas and our TikTok videos! 

If you want to be our new TikTok star, write to us:
The project is co-funded by the European Union via the Erasmus+ programme. And we join forces with our partner organisations to combat unemployment issues through E-mployed:
『 We are very grateful for Education Innovation LAB for hosting this meeting. Even though we talked a lot about employment and professional skills, the meeting didn’t feel like work! We loved the friendly atmosphere in which we addressed everything about the project.』
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