We started!!
24 months.
An experience, less common in the Erasmus+ world and with high expectations, has begun. This project, coordinated by Sinergia Go2Europe, includes entertainment and education for the seniors.
To this goal:
In phase , social workers, escorts and older educators receive learning training to enrich their animation and facilitation skills so that they can design workshops for their target groups, and,
In phase , the senior people themselves, participate in the organization of awareness events for their peers.
All activities and entertainment activities have to do with themes inspired by arts. Theater, music, dance, creative writing tools are some of the examples that the seniors and theri educators will start working on.
Within this project, next March we are going to host in Athens an experiential learning training course that is introducing our streams Embodiment & Arts for seniors.
The project is co-funded through the program Erasmus+ of the European Commission and this synergy includes the following organizations:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica, Poland,
Buharkent Halk Eğitimi Merkezi, Turkey,
Vida+Viva / Associação Animam Viventem, Portugal,
Sinergia Go2Europe Italy,
Roes Cooperativa Greece.
『Roes are very proud to participate in the design of learning opportunities for everyone like this project promotes. We give a step to the wisdom of the senios citizens and recognize their need for lifelong learning. “I grow old while learning.” Socrates. . 』