🗣️ Our 4th newsletter is out and we’re very excited to share it with you!
🎵 The Training Course on “Movement, Dance, Music & Rhetorics” for Educators & Youth Workers rocked it in Athens, Greece.
📹 Having finished all the training courses, we are soon expecting the video tutorials based on them, to be available in our project’s online platform during the first months of the following year.
🔜 In January 2023, the Blended Mobility for Students and their Educators will take place in Romania. Students and teachers participating in the program, will have the chance to experiment with the developed methodology, and evaluate its impact in a multicultural environment.
✨ In May 2023, our last TPM will take place in Cyprus. It’s going to be a time to reflect, and brainstorm on our following steps towards the improvement of school education.
👉 Interested to know more? Check our newsletter here:
🇪🇺 The project is co-funded by the European Union via the Erasmus+ programme, allowing us to join forces with our partner organisations to create an inclusive and creative school environment:
『 We are very grateful for being an active member of this strategic partnership and for the support and inspiration we receive from our partners. We are looking forward to developing further our initiatives and collectively creating a positive impact in education 』