🎴 In the morning we were playing the Dixit game and were picking cards according to how we felt at the moment.
🎶 At the first part of the day we did a music workshop where we warmed up our voices. Then we experimented with how we can use our voices and musical expression to contribute to our community while leaving as well space for others to express themselves.
We did this by creating a safe circle in which at least 4 people would be repeating an easy pattern to which other people could improvise while knowing that they could always get back “home”.
Afterward, we created a blindfolded musical composition using only our voices and focusing on listening to others’ ideas, and creating different dynamics and intensities.
🕺 In the afternoon a hip-hop dance workshop followed. Basic hip-hop moves were explored while we all had the chance to learn practice and finally enjoy a proper hip-hop dance. In the last part of the workshop, we were invited to dance in a circle and a dance off.
🎭 We are the protagonists of the Life in 3 ACTS youth exchange and we are taking over the Facebook page of Roes Cooperativa for the next 8 days. Stay tuned!
🙌 The project is co-financed and supported by the Erasmus+ Youth Greece.