Come and play with us to create.
Using game elements and applying them elsewhere in your life is the art of gamification. Entrepreneurship, marketing, negotiations, learning… Do you know why? Because the game is fun and has the power to turn anything into something fun. Ask a child to confirm it. It is rewarding, like the boomerang.
We are pleased and proud to announce that the Erasmus+ KA1 “Boomerang” youth exchange project by the Roes Cooperativa team has been approved by the Greek NA Erasmus+ Youth Greece and will be implemented next summer in the magical lands of Ελπιδοχώρι / Hopeland.
In this project, the participants will get acquainted and gain experience:
◎ with the principles of gamification and how to use them
◎ with gamification in learning (awareness on social, economic and political issues, etc.), but also in marketing, team building, etc.
◎ with the practical creation, implementation and evaluation of educational games
In order to. create a peer-to-peer support system for the implementation of their courses.
『At Roes Cooperrativa we design personalized educational programs with a core of different learning tools each time. This particular Youth Exchange is a learning-journey game, like a boomerang that you send around aiming to expect to go back after it has wandered around. And finally it gathers gaming experiences. 』