Throwing the Boomerang is easy. The trick is to catch it. Can you?
📆 21 to 29 October 2021
🌍 Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Spain
Apply by: ASAP
🏚 Boomerang is a 10 days Youth Exchange. We will do it through playing games and reflecting upon our learning from it. And we will also design our own educational games and bring them back to our countries.
👉 What to expect:
✅ To meet 40 like-minded young people from 8 countries and co-create your experience with them,
✅ Various outdoor sessions that will support you in understanding what you are searching for in labour market,
✅ To boost your competences useful for job hunting,
✅ To play and create educational games in an informal setting,
✅ Live an unforgettable international experience in Ελπιδοχώρι / Hopeland.

ℹ️ Information:

▶︎ Application:

💸 The program is co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission and supported by the Erasmus+ Youth Greece. Costs of participation, accommodation, transportation and food are covered.
#Boomerang #RoesCoop #WeAreRoes #WhatsYourStream #SocialEnterprise #gamification #ErasmusPlus #youthexchange #travelandlearn #opportunity #hopeland