We started the day sharing the things we did in the project and we found successful, so the answers varied from self-care, having fun, being positive, to learning something new and getting out of the comfort zone.
After the Morning Circle, the players of Boomerang worked in teams to finish the preparation of their activities.
We had 2 teams who took the stage and got the chance to implement all the learnings and methods discovered so far.
First team: Hide & Seek – the activity started with a meditation that connected the players and helped them relax, followed by the hide and seek game. The purpose of the activity was to connect to our inner child so in the end, we wrote a letter for ourselves, reflecting on the achievements we got so far.
Second team: Special Olympics – we finished the day with a very energizing activity, where we had to go to different stations and solve riddles, play games, mime and many more. Everybody had fun by cooperating and being creative.
We are proud of what the Boomerang players created so far and we are looking forward to seeing the rest of the activities tomorrow!
We are the players of the Boomerang youth exchange and we are also taking over the Facebook page of Roes Cooperativa for the next 5 days. Stay tuned!
The project is co-financed and supported by the Erasmus+ Youth Greece Youth Greece.