What is art? What brings us closer to it? Can we experience our emotions with other people?
This week we are hosting a Seniors Exchange within the strategic partnership (KA2) “Seniors in Arts” project. Aim of the project is to connect seniors from different countries and bring them closer to the art practices. Through the whole week, arts will be presented in various ways. We want to increase seniors’ artistic and cultural awareness and create them an opportunity to make new international contacts and know other cultures.
During the first day, Italian, Turkish, Portuguese, Polish and Greek groups came to know each other. Together we had introductory workshops on which we created an activities agenda and discussed participants’ expectations about the project. After indoor training we were exploring the Acropolis and admiring city view.
These are the chronicles of “Seniors in Arts” Blended Mobility, and we will be sharing stories and posts with you for the next 7 days.
The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ program, allowing us to join forces with the art-loving partner organisations to create an inclusive and creative environment: Sinergia Go2Europe | Buharkent Halk Eğitimi Merkezi | Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica | Vida+Viva / Associação Animam Viventem | Roes Cooperativa
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