Is it easy to play a theatrical role? What is an Étude? Can we play it alone or only in groups?
The next day of our week’s art workshops was focused on Theater. During the theoretical part, seniors learned how to make a play and put themselves into the roles. Participants had a task to play the Étude: the short scenario, a situation in which an actor embodies into specific character. They could play it alone, in pairs or in groups. The main point of that activity was to stimulate seniors’ imagination and depthen relationships with the entire group.
Seniors’ showed their sensibility and created life situations plays with beautiful morals. The stories were about:
These are the chronicles of “Seniors in Arts” Blended Mobility for Seniors Learners, and we will be sharing stories and posts with you for the next 6 days.
The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ program, allowing us to join forces with the art-loving partner organisations to create an inclusive and creative environment: Seniors in arts | Sinergia Go2Europe | Buharkent Halk Eğitimi Merkezi | Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica | Vida+Viva / Associação Animam Viventem | Roes Cooperativa
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