1st Transnational Partners Meeting

We recently came back from our first Transnational Partners meeting in Berlin on 28th and 29th of March, and we want to share our news with you! 

The project’s goal is to create and offer tools to youth and youth workers so they can deal with the negative effects on their wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
But how are we going to achieve that? 

● We will develop a workbook for youth workers to educate and structure activities on youth’s wellbeing, and… We are going to create it together with young people.
● We will also develop a 21-day Mindfulness challenge and the Good Deeds Game, where you can challenge yourself to improve your wellbeing through small everyday tasks.
● AND! We are using a new platform to introduce embodiment exercises: Tik Tok!

We will use it alongside other platforms to create fun, engaging, and educational content, for the young people to try embodiment exercises on their own. We expect to reach a wider audience this way, and get people more interested in actively improving their wellbeing creatively.

We are now ready for our next steps, and cannot wait to share with you our ideas and our embodiment videos! 

Do you want to be part of the Youth Council co-creating the Workbook? Write to us: projects@roes.coop
The project is co-funded by the European Union via the Erasmus+ programme. And brought us together with our partner organisations to combat the effects of the pandemic to young people’s wellbeing through Don’t Worry Be You:
SHIFT Foundation
| Roes Cooperativa
| ALTER Network
| YEPP Italia
| Institut za kreativno obrazovanje – IKO 

『 We are very grateful for YEPP EUROPE for hosting this meeting, and all the partners that offered their ideas, energy and experience. Even though it was just for 2 days, we felt that it was a very productive meeting that gave us a boost of inspiration and new ideas, and we are now very excited to see them evolve! 』