Are you 20 to 30 years old and living in Greece? Are you tired of hearing fake news about immigration in Europe? Do you want to contribute to the creation of a healthier society without misinformation?
Well, now you can share your point of view very easily with just a few clicks! Give 5 minutes of your time and answer the multiple choice questions in this survey
. We tested it
Believe us, it takes much less than 5 minutes, we just exaggerate a bit to put in the trick and those who do not read fast. Aaand… to give you some time to think before you answer!
This survey is part of “Recreate”, a 24-month Partnership for Creativity Program, which is co-funded through the program Erasmus+ of the European Commission.
Aim of the program? Guess what! Combating misinformation about migration in Europe.
The partner organizations that joined forces in this journey come from 7 European countries, among the most involved in the phenomenon of migration:: Champions Factory |
: Progeu |
: Roes Cooperativa|
: Scout Society |
: Association Hexagonale |
: Europass Berlin |
: Asociación SEI (Servicio Socioeducativo Intercultural)
In this survey we do NOT collect personal information such as name/surname and email address. Other kinds of personal information collected (year of birth, residence info, educational background) will be used SOLELY for statistical purposes for a report on misinformation about migration in Europe in the context of the “Recreate” project.
#WeAreRoes #RoesCoop #WhatsYourStream #SocialEntreprise #NonFormalEducation #erasmusplusproject #erasmusplus #erasmusplusgreece #erasmusland #nonformallearning #ErasmusWithRoes #reCREATE #misinformation #fakenews